Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Toronto Uses Innovative Procedures

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is often Temporary

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is often Temporary

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is often Temporary

Before you choose the type of your erectile dysfunction treatment in Toronto, it’s useful to understand the nature of your problem. The best place to start is this: ED is very, very common. It happens to nearly every man at some point in his life.

There are several causes of ED. The first culprit could be ongoing health and lifestyle issues. Smoking, a bad diet, physical inactivity over an extended period or obesity can all inhibit blood vessel function and, in particular, the vessels necessary for to get an erection and keep it.

Stress is a factor because your body increases production of epinephrine. Elevated levels make it difficult for muscles and blood vessels to relax – again in your penis. Stress reduction can often resolve ED.Metabolic Syndrome can lead to lower testosterone levels, again a cause.

There are a host of ways to treat temporary ED, including medications, making lifestyle changes like quitting smoking and reducing alcohol, exercising, improved diet and lessening the stressors in your life. There are also a variety of talk therapies available if the cause is psychological.

Long-term ED is Still Treatable

Long-term ED is Still Treatable

More problematic is long-term ED, when it is caused by certain physical problems. Diabetes, spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis can affect nerves that affect the penis. Other possible conditions include blocked arteries, penile tissue damage, Peyronie’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Some prescription medications – such as those for high blood pressure or depression – can cause ED. How long you’ve been taking these medications can be a factor.

Despite this, long-term ED can still be manageable, with mediations, injections or other options.

How an ED Specialist Can Help

How an ED Specialist Can Help

It’s important to be able to access a medical practitioner. Bear in mind the commonality of ED; it is not a personal failing or blot on your manhood. It is just something that happens, and fortunately in most cases it can be corrected. You should feel no embarrassment accessing a medical professional but obviously speaking to a specialist makes sense.

There are men’s sexual health clinics that are expressly focused on sexual health. Among the treatments they may suggest is one called Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy (or EDSWT). It sounds scarier than it is – the last thing you want for your penis is’ shock’. But the process is misnamed – it actually involves sound waves.

What Clients are Saying

What Clients are Saying

The Precision Men’s Sexual Health Clinic uses state-of-the-art therapies to treat clients, including shockwave therapy to improve blood flow to the penis, various types of injection therapies, drug therapies, surgical procedures, and sex therapy. Dr. Juta prefers a holistic approach and may use treatments in combination to help restore function and intimacy.